Shelly Neto, Gestaltist

Horse Path to Hearts Quest
About MeContact Me

Allow a Horse and a Gestalt Practitioner to guide you on a journey to self-compassion and a life of passion.

Connect lovingly with who you truly are …

People can be disengaged with who they are within. They are living, but not at an authentic level. My own experience was living a life that did not feel as though it was my own. I was living the life that society and others expected. I felt empty, lost, disconnected and was moving through life without real direction or purpose.

An Equine Gestalt Coach can help you explore the various parts that make up your wholeness and determine the values you would like to live your life by. This exploration serves to connect you to the person you are deep within so that you can begin to live your life with awareness and purpose, which leads to authenticity and self compassion.

An Equine Gestalt Coach with the help of their horse partner, can guide you in finding your scars so that you can experientially work through the original trauma that caused them, release them from your body cells and leave them behind in the sand. You can then walk away feeling free, with renewed energy flow, self compassion and able to move forward on your journey in life.

An Equine Gestalt Coach and horse partner can help you determine where your feelings of self doubt came from and work through it experientially in order to move beyond and embrace self respect and self love. Through this process, you can believe in yourself, which leads to finding peace and passion in life.


Do you struggle with moving forward in life because of past scars that block you?

Many of us have scars that we have unconsciously pushed deep within the cells of our bodies. We do this because at the time of the trauma, we do not have the resources to confront and deal with it. The further and the longer we push down these scars, the less we have conscious awareness of them. We believe the scars are gone, but they are still within, blocking energy and our ability to move forward.

Do you lack self respect and self compassion?

Many of us have been through experiences in life that have drained any self respect and self compassion we may have held at one time. It may have been a parent or other adult we respected telling us negative things about us that we absorbed and believed.  This resulted in a core belief that we are not good enough in some way. This changes the way we feel about ourselves for the rest of our life from a subconscious level.

Do you long to have peace and joy in your life?

I lived life with a great deal of anxiety and sadness for many years. People have many different feelings that they struggle with and yearn to turn those feelings around into something positive. Whatever those negative feelings are, you can deal with and escape from them,  define the feelings you wish to experience in life, and map out a path that will take you where you want to be.

The Reason I am a Self Compassion Coach

I have a deep desire to work with others who wish to delve deep within, grasp their pain, and do some experiential work in order to release and leave behind what is blocking them from living the life they desire.

Having been through this process myself, I do this work because I want to help others who are struggling, like I was, to find self compassion, peace, and joy as they journey on their own paths to fulfillment. 

How I Got Where I am and the Magic of Visions

As a student in the Equine Gestalt program, I was encouraged to develop my own vision for my future life of purpose and passion. I had always dreamed of living on the coast and watching the sunset every night.

I wrote a very detailed, emotional vision in first person, present tense based on a day 3 years ahead. I wrote everything that would happen to me from the time I woke up that morning to the time I fell asleep that night.

The beauty of my vision astounded me and filled me with great excitement, hope, and anticipation. It is because of my vision that I am now beginning to live my passion and purpose.

The Universe and Spirit came together to unfold what is now Hearts Quest Ranch. My very first horse came to me as well and he has contracted to partner with me to do this work and help people change their lives.

I do this work because I want to help others who are struggling, like I was, to find self compassion, peace, and joy as they journey on their path to fulfillment.

My husband and I were fortunate that, through a series of events that could have only come from the Divine, we were able to buy a piece of land on the coast with a view of the ocean.

We put in a great deal of thought, intention, faith, and hard work into this project and have started making Hearts Quest Ranch a reality.

Mitch Neto, my husband of 38+ years, is a Plein Aire oil painter, who does artist workshops and retreats here. I practice as an Equine Gestalt Coach providing a variety of offerings from individual sessions, to weekly groups, to retreats at Heart’s Quest Ranch. The beautiful Swanton area is a natural fit for this quest.

How it works …
Horses may or may not be a part of the work we do. They are natural, energetic healers who can add their guidance in the moment. We work with the horses on the ground, generally in a round pen. Our horses are allowed to move around you, sometimes touch you, give their opinions, and heal you energetically.
Are you looking for the path to your own heart, self compassion, purpose, and  fulfillment so that you can shine your inner light? Life is a journey and the choices we make take us on our path. Make the correct choices for yourself with awareness. Find your truth and step into power that will transform you and your life. Come explore with a coach, a horse, and Spirit, who all have confidence that you are enough, you are capable, love yourself, and can live your authentic life.

As an Equine Gestalt coach, I have undergone some rigorous education and self-work for my certification. I will be present with you in a safe, sacred space where you will actively explore what comes up in the moment. As a coach, I believe you have all of the answers within you and will help you to connect with that part of yourself. We may delve into some unfinished business related to trauma or past hurts so that you can resolve the pain, shift your energy, and move forward. We can also explore your temperament, mandala (parts of self that make up the whole), family of origin, your values, your vision, polarities, and many other experiences that will guide you in making choices that will take you where you go in life. The choice is yours- be open to the possibilities.


Felt better after their EGC Session

I ask that you come with an open heart, open mind, a desire for change, and ready to reach deep within. You can do the work and leave your unfinished business discarded in the sand of the round pen, then step out with self compassion, peace and joy. You are capable, and through this process you can step into your own personal power and light.
“Calm and wise, Shelly creates a safe space for her clients to explore their inner depths, bringing awareness to what part of their lives need movement. Her sessions will leave you feeling peaceful and whole again.”

M.W., Livermore, CA

“Shelly has an amazing capacity to slow it down, create a space for accessing the pain, then walking me through it to healing.”

A.M., Calgary AB Canada


Heart’s Quest Ranch

Davenport, California


